is dawn dish soap toxic now I tell you
What is dish soap?
Dish soap, also known as dishwashing liquid, is a detergent used for cleaning dishes, glassware, pots, pans, and other kitchen utensils. It is a liquid soap formulated to remove grease, food residues, and grime from surfaces, making them clean and ready for use. Dish soap typically contains surfactants, which are compounds that help break down and lift grease and dirt from surfaces, allowing them to be rinsed away easily with water.
What’s in dish soap?
Dish soaps and detergents can have many different ingredients depending on the manufacturer. They are usually made of surfactants, chemical compounds that break down grease. They also contain enzymes that help break down food residue. They often have added colors, perfumes, dyes, and scrubbing agents. Some dish soaps have ingredients that limit the growth of bacteria.
What can dish soap be used for?
Dish soap is often used for cleaning a variety of surfaces and household items. Dish soap has also been used for removing oil from wildlife found near oil spills, since it contains ingredients that help remove oil and grease but is still gentle enough to use on skin, hair, feathers, and fur.Dish soap and water can be used in emergency rooms to decontaminate or remove harmful substances from the skin. Dish soap has also been known to be abused, by adding it to urine specimens in the hopes of passing a urine drug test. However, this method is not reliable and has resulted in false-positive results for some drugs and false-negative results for others.
Is dawn dish soap toxic?
Knowing that Dawn was not a great dish soap, I wanted to know the facts. I was surprised to learn that Dawn doesn't even list it's ingredients on the bottle. If it's so great, what are they hiding? Without even looking at a label, you can see that it has added dyes and synthetic fragrances, neither are ever good or natural! The Environmental Working Group gave Dawn a 'D' grade because of it containing methylisothiazolinone, which is a "High Concern: acute aquatic toxicity; Some Concern: skin irritation/allergies/damage". Sounds delightful, right? Dawn also contains 1 4-dioxane which is considered a groundwater contaminant.

What happens if you drink dish soap water?
Drinking dish soap water or dish soap alone will usually result in minor effects. A person may experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea after drinking a small amount. Serious effects are less likely to occur when drinking dish soap water since the soap is diluted. Some people have also reported having allergic reactions to dish soap. Additionally, damage to the lungs might occur if choking occurs and the dish soap becomes trapped in the lungs.